every. one. matters.
In Matthew 18:12-14, Jesus tells the story of the shepherd who left 99 sheep safe in the fold to search for the one who was lost. For him, it was not enough to save the 99. He was determined to save then all. As the good Shepherd, Jesus calls and empowers His people to seek out and minister to those who feel forsaken, broken, abandoned and alone. We are called to meet PEOPLE at the place of their needs. This is our most holy calling. To blanket the world with God's 'unconditional' love.
Because ... EVERY. ONE. MATTERS.
Sunday Morning
10:45 AM
On Demand
Monday Night Bible Study (In-Person)
4:00 PM
Wednesday Night
Prayer Call
7:00 PM
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Joseph’s Dreams & The King-720p30H

A Lunch to Share-1080p30H

Jehovah Rapha

Nobody Can Bless Father's Like Jesus

Join Our Weekly Services
Community Church of God's Sunday Morning worship services are In Person and via YouTube.
10:45 AM
565 Jefferson St., Ypsilanti, MI
An in-person Sunday Morning Service. Please wear a mask. If you don't have one handy, one can be provided.
Sunday Morning Service
4:00 PM
565 Jefferson St., Ypsilanti, MI
An in-person Monday Night Bible Class with Assistant Pastor Darrell Thomas
Monday Night Bible Class
7:00 PM
An telephonic prayer call. held every Wednesday at 7:00 PM
Call 978-990-5490 Code: 8566448#